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tskhaltubo |
The first
mentions of Tskhaltubo belong to the VII century. XII \ The XIII
centuries it is already mentioned as medical point. The first mentions
in editions "Berlin society of the nature" in 1782. In 1787 Russian the
academician P. S. Pallas I processed and I published in German
"Traveling notes" I. Gyuldenstein about Tskhaltubo.
The main natural medical factor the tskhaltubskikh of waters —
unique on the physical and chemical properties thermal (33-35 degrees)
radon Mineralnye Vody. Tskhaltubsky mineral water cures the following
diseases: extremities, peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular, skin,
metabolism, endocrine system, gynecologic, rheumatism, poliomyelitis,
cerebral palsy. Karstic caves with the microclimate are also medical
have positive impact on patients with bronchial asthma, stenocardia, a
hypertension, neurosises and chronic pneumonia. Course of treatment of
3-4 weeks
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